Tuesday, June 1, 2010

swimming lessons and pizza club

We had a pretty low key Memorial holiday around here, and it was just what we needed! In my humble opinion, three day weekends should grace the calendar more often than they do.

We started Saturday off by taking the dogs to a nearby park. This particular park has gorgeous hiking trails, but our favorite part about it is a shallow creek that feeds into a river that runs throughout the city. It's very clean, crystal clear and not too cold. Perfect for doggie swimming lessons, we thought.

As we expected, and as you can witness below if you wish, Annabelle immediately loved the water. She is as impulsive as Stryder is cautious. Constantly making us laugh, we call her our little tank - truly, nothing scares this dog.

This was her very first time in the water, mind you.

Although she just wanted to jump around for a while, she quickly picked up the doggie paddle. The observation of Stryder's excellent swimming form couldn't have hurt. We walked at least a half mile up the middle of the creek, and by the end of the morning, she was swimming like an old pro.

We tossed around the idea of going to the Indy 500 this weekend. But eventually we decided against it - the crowd of FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND plus 90 degree heat and 95% humidity just weren't very appealing. But we have promised ourselves we'll be there next year. You can't live in Indy and not go at least once, right?

So, instead of braving the race, we spent a leisurely food-filled evening with friends. A couple of months ago, we started a Pizza Club with Mike and Ryan (Brian's classmates) and their wives. We're planning to visit as many local pizza joints as we can before we have to leave Indy. A year from now, hopefully we'll be able to tell you where you can find the best pizza in the city! Our latest stop was Greek's in Broad Ripple (the neighborhood we all live in). Overall, we scored it a 9.3. It's pretty awesome.

Mike, Ryan, Megan, Rachel, Me

See that scrumptious looking confection in the background? Rachel made it for us - a decadent Chocolate Brownie Cake - oh, it was so good. We feasted on it while playing Catch Phrase and watching highlights from the race.

I don't know about you, but we're already looking forward to Labor Day. :)


Unknown said...

I love how much ya'll love your dogs. It's so cute to watch. Annabelle did so good. I haven't even given Ace swimming lessons yet!

Christine said...

Oh my word, Anabelle is adorable!

Anonymous said...

Anabelle is so cute swimming! What a fun pizza club idea too!!