Friday, June 4, 2010

happy birthday, tine

As I do during every trip back to Kansas, I spent some revitalizing time with my lifelong friend, Christine, while staying in Wichita last month. Over tableside s'mores one night at Mike's Wine Dive, we realized that we rarely, if ever, feature one another on each other's blogs! It's not because we're not involved in each other's lives... rather, our friendship is so perpetual that we don't think about taking pictures together or writing about one another. She's just kind of a given in my life! Being together is simply the way it is, the way it always has been.

But that doesn't mean she should never have a presence in my online musings! So now, drumroll please... I proudly debut Christine on my blog!

We were around three years old in this picture - from left to right: Christine, Brian (now my husband), me and Greg Bailey. Check out her tie, I guarantee you that this is her favorite part of her outfit.

Here we are at Brian's birthday party - maybe his fourth? Christine is the one sucking her thumb (she did this up until kindergarten) and I am sitting to the left with an angry look on my face. I think we are wearing matching shoes. Brian is the handsome guy in the dashing yellow sweater.

I literally can't remember life without Christine, or Tine, as I nicknamed her when we were young. How else do you shorten her name? Certainly can't call her by the first syllable! :) We "met" when she was born and I was three months old - we lived on the same street, our houses a mere two blocks apart. Our parents were, and still are, the best of friends, which means we've gotten to spend A LOT of time together over the years. We've had pretty much everything in common since infancy, including our names (my middle is Christine).

Truly, we could write a book, a THICK book, chronicling the story of our friendship. There would be hilarious memories, growth in the Lord, tears, giggles, a little bit of anguish, but most of all joy and lots and lots of laughter.

Christine's birthday is tomorrow. I used to be so proud that I was three months older... now I'm the one wishing she had three months on me. :) So, to my dear bosom friend, happy birthday! Hope this year is your best one yet. Love you.

1 comment:

Christine said...

Wow, here I am finally on your blog, tie and all! :) I love it! Thank you for your sweet post! I am so thankful for you, not everyone has a friend who was a bestie in their baby pictures and is still a bestie now. In fact, I would say most people in the world do not have a friend like that. :)