Monday, June 7, 2010

s'more pie, please

As mentioned in my previous post, one of my all-time favorite desserts, EVER, is s'mores. I seriously love them. Since I don't often have access to a campfire, I settle for the next best option and create them in our toaster oven. I do this quite a lot, as my husband will testify.

If I'm at a restaurant and see a s'mores themed dessert on the menu, I will ALWAYS order it. But usually I'm a bit disappointed, because it just never seems to taste as good as the real thing. For example, smores fondue at The Melting Pot, or the Mount Rushsmore custard concrete at Sheridan's - both excellent, just not the same.

Well, thanks to my fabulous friend, Val, I have FINALLY found a dessert that is just as good as the real thing and maybe even... dare I say .... better?!?! Val passed this recipe on to me last week and I made it right away. This pie is seriously amazing.

Thick graham cracker crust, creamy chocolate center covered by a homemade marshmallow topping. Oh my. Just before serving, you put the pie under a broiler to toast the top, which also makes the mallow and chocolate just a little bit melty and gooey.

I'll admit we polished off the pie in less than 24 hours. Granted, we had the help of another couple, but still. It was that good. Brian declared it one of his favorite desserts that I have ever made. This is a huge proclamation considering the number of desserts I have made for him during the past five years!

Make it yourself, and let me know what you think!

PS - Even if you don't like s'mores and aren't interested in this pie, you should still check out the smitten kitchen blog. She's got tons of really yummy recipes and pretty pictures to browse through.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That looks amazing! YUM!!!