Wednesday, February 10, 2010

going blue

I'll be the first to admit that I'm not a huge football fan. There are just too many terms and rules for me to keep track of - for some reason I have a really hard time grasping the game. However, Colts fever was pretty contagious this year, even for me. :) The hype was up all season long, but as the wins kept coming, the city-wide energy just kept growing.

So, as you might imagine, last week leading up to the Super Bowl was particulary insane! Everywhere you looked there was blue. Blue flags flew all over the place, from houses to business windows to government flagpoles. Many stores even offered special sales in honor of the coming game. What a fun time to live in Indy!

We watched the big game with our small group. I remembered to take my camera so I could get a picture of all of us together, but completely forgot about it once the game started. So, sadly, I only have pictures of the food I contributed to our party.

These cute little footballs are Oreo Truffles, Bakerella style. They were a huge hit and I would definitely make them again!

(It was funny - I got on facebook after the game was over and saw only ONE other friend rooting for the Colts. We were definitely in the minority! Everyone was pushing for the underdog, and really, we think its great that if the Colts had to lose to someone, it was the Saints. They played a great game.)


Holly said...

Oh my goodness these look AMAZING! Emily, you really are a talented woman in so many ways!!!

Unknown said...

Amen girl! I can't remember football rules to save my LIFE! Guys must have special sight to spot the penalties and how can they remember specific plays when they all look same? American Idol doesn't take half the concentration!

The Notetaker said...

Those look fabulous, Em! I remember those football truffles on Bakerella last year and need to give them a try. Way to go!