Tuesday, May 4, 2010

book exchange

My friend, Ashley, recently shared this awesome site with me.

It allows you to swap any gently-used book with any new gently-used book. All you have to do is create a free account and then post the book titles that you want to exchange. When someone requests a book that you have posted, you mail it to them (typical book postage is $2-3). You then receive a book credit toward any book that you want! When you use that credit by requesting a book from someone else, the sender will mail it to you at their cost.

And that's all you have to do!

Being in a book club, this is particularly valuable for me! And for anyone with kids who quickly outgrow their books, I would imagine it would be really beneficial too. There are so many books sitting on my shelf that I have read once but will most likely never look at again. How great to get new books out of them!

*You can also swap CDs and DVDs!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Oh, I never even THOUGHT about using this for Book Club! Great idea, Em!