Wednesday, April 14, 2010

stuff white people like

I came across this site about a year ago. It's a blog devoted to expounding on the things that white people like. I find it sooo funny, probably because most of it is so true!

It highlights stereotypical things that are associated with white people. Stuff like:

- picking your own fruit
- moleskine notebooks
- sea salt
- ugly sweater parties
- pea coats
- girls with bangs
- unpaid internships
- scarves
- kitchen gadgets
- dogs
- vintage anything
- whole foods and grocery co-ops
- apple products
- netflix
- organic food
- farmer's markets
- coffee

The writer of these posts (which are also combined into a now-published book) is brilliant and hysterical. I guarantee you'll get a kick of how he captures the preferences of Caucasians, many of them probably your own!


Unknown said...

Ha. Ha. We just subscribed to NetFlix!

The Bailes said...

Lea got that book for Christmas, does that surprise you?! I wonder if he knew there was a blog...I bet he has it book marked...