Thursday, January 8, 2009

Taking Chances in 2009

This year is already off to a great start.

In mid-November 2007, tickets went on sale for the Celine Dion Taking Chances tour stop in Kansas City. The second the online outlet opened for sales, you better believe I was entering my credit card info to ensure my seat at the concert of a lifetime. Although the show wasn't until Nov. 2008, and I had no idea where I would be in a year, I intended to schedule my life (and Brian's - ha!) around Celine. The year-long countdown began.

Two days before the concert, I got a distressed call from my friend Val, who also had tickets to the show. She sorrowfully informed me that the KC news just announced that the show had to be rescheduled because Celine's vocal chords were inflamed. Major bummer. But at least we only had to wait another 6 weeks to see her.

Last weekend was the much anticipated show, and boy was the 14-month wait worth it. I have never seen Celine live before (although I do have her Vegas show on DVD) and it was even better than I hoped it would be. Words just really can't do her justice. Brian will even reluctantly admit (yes, I got him to come with me) that although he doesn't "prefer" her music, she puts on an incredible show.

And now I have a special surprise for those who are sick to their stomachs that they had to miss such an amazing performance. 

That was her second encore. Can we say drama? I love it!

To celebrate our anniversary, Brian and I made a weekend getaway of the concert. We found a great hotwire deal on a hotel at the Plaza and ate a delicious anniversary dinner at Capital Grille. We also enjoyed our fair share of baby time with Sophie Bailes and Kate Littrell. I don't have pictures of Kate right now but will post a few that Val took of us and Sophie. Have you ever seen such kissable cheeks?!?! On our way into the city, we drove by our old house in Overland Park. It was a little sad being back in our old neighborhood, but we had to smile when we saw the car that now lives in the driveway. It had INDIANA tags. Coincidence? I think not. Doesn't the Lord have a sense of humor?!?


Anonymous said...

I'm so Jealous that you guys got to go!!! I LOVE her!! What a great anniversary weekend!

Erin said...

Hey, Em!

You're so sweet - thank you for your kind words!

So did Celine do "I Surrender" and "Misled"? Those are my all-time faves :-)

Happy Anniversary!

The Bailes said...

EM...LOVE your videos...much better than mine! YES, drama it was and drama do I LOVE! Hehehe. Great pics, my heart re-lived that fabulous weekend! ;)