Sunday, January 11, 2009

Project Organize

Moves from KC to Wichita, to PA, then back to Wichita, brought a bit of chaos into our lives during the latter part of 2008. At one point we were living with boxes at my parents', Brian's parents', in storage and at our new house. It has been a full-time job just trying to figure out where in the city our things are when I need them! For the most part, we are unpacked into our new house, but the insanity over the past 6 months has really made me crave orderliness.

So my main resolution this year is to become, and stay, more organized. I figure if I focus daily on all-around organization, it should spill over into lots of our regular activities.

To start with, my brother introduced me to this incredible application (if you have a mac, check it out - it's free!) called Things. It's set up like itunes and iphoto: a streamlined task manager that lets you keep hundreds of different to-do lists. (Some of mine: Phone Calls, Emails, Domesticities, Honey-dos :) ha ha etc.) You can assign due dates to tasks that are time sensitive, and then every day, Things will search all of your different to do lists and pull everything that is due that day into one list. It has already made the hugest difference for me.

(Extra bonus for Things - if you have an iphone - it will sync with it and then you can carry your lists around with you wherever you go!)

I am also getting serious about reading through the Bible in one year. I cannot tell you how many times I have started with the best of intentions in January, and by April, I am so behind that I decide to put it off until the next year. No more procrastinating! Recently, I've heard of several people who have enjoyed reading the Bible chronologically (as the events actually happened in real time), so I thought I'd give it a shot. Keeping with my orderly emphasis, I found this great schedule online. I've bookmarked the site and go to it first thing when I sit down at my computer every day. So far, its done a great job of keeping me on track!

One more idea that I am attempting is the organization of my housework. I'm going to assign a chore to every day of the week, just like June Cleaver and Donna Reed. Ha! I looked up the vintage schedule and it goes something like this:

Monday: Wash
Tuesday: Ironing
Wednesday: Sewing
Thursday: Groceries
Friday: House cleaning
Saturday: Baking
Sunday: Rest

Out of all of those chores, sewing is probably the one I will skip. At this point we're not breaking enough buttons to keep me busy every Wednesday. And I don't think I will limit baking to Saturdays, because I love to bake and want the freedom to do it on any day of the week that I want. But other than that, I think I'm going to try to stick with the old-school way for a while and see if it works. 

Does anyone have any suggestions on chore schedules that have been effective for you? Or any other tips on getting organized?


Unknown said...

Em - I made my chore list by room. So Sunday is my office and I bathe Hula (she is a separate ROOM!), Monday is my bedroom and bathroom, etc. It makes the chores feel smaller because I can clean a room in about 30 minutes. Laundry and Grocery shopping are just added to the rooms on Thursday and Saturday because if I clean like my schedule more than one week, it starts only taking me 15 to 20 minutes per room.

Meredith said...

I've also tried to start reading the entire Bible in several January's and only make it to about March. I love the website you found and the idea of reading chronologically. I've already bookmarked and am going to try it! Might be a tough year to do this so we'll see :-) I'm so impressed with your organizational skills!! (I'm home today so call whenever!)

Anonymous said...

You HAVE to post any strategies that work for you- I got nothin' (but a maid)! :)

The Bailes said...

Hmmm..I do what I can when I can...and it gets done somehow! This may sound cheesy, but when I start my day with God and walk with Him, my day flows into organization! As far as reading the entire Bible in one year...WOW, that's a lot girl! I love the chronological way though, that helps me out a lot!

Amber said...

Emily. This is Amber from your old small group in Kansas City. The Overland Park COC is reading through the Bible in 1 year as a congregation. Robbie and I moved of course, but we are still doing it. We bought the Bible's and they have an old testament, a new testament, a Psalm and a Song of Solomon reading each day. I'm on day 15 and love it so far. I like the idea of doing it chronologically too. Just know all your old friend in KC are in this with you too. Hopefully this will be a year of making room for our spiritual journey's as well. Happy reading!