Thursday, November 25, 2010

ode to thirty

I can hardly believe that I now have a thirty year old husband.

Seriously. That sounds so weird to say. I asked my seven year old cousin yesterday if she thought 30 was old. After thinking for a second, she responded with, "well... it IS middle aged!" Ha!

You're a blessing, B. Here are 30 more reasons that I'm thankful you were born this day, three long decades ago.

1. You never complain about what I make for dinner, even if it's not good.

2. Out of love for me and my easily upset stomach, you attempt to drive a bit more sanely than you used to.

3. You let us bring home our little Annabelle and while you love her like crazy, you make a point to show special attention to Stryder.

4. You don't get mad when I hit things with my car.

5. You watch Food Network with me.

6. When I can't decipher our ridiculous AT&T bill, you always call customer service to figure it out so that I don't have to do it.

7. You pick up the dog poo in our backyard.

8. You let me buy a steam mop.

9. You pray with me and for me.

10. You are quick to ask for forgiveness.

11. You still give awesome back rubs and foot rubs.

12. You dream big dreams with me.

13. You let God change the dreams you once had.

14. You could talk technology with Steve Jobs himself.

15. You can fix any computer problem that anyone has (and you graciously help others when they have issues).

16. You make a priority of talking with me weekly about our Bible studies.

17. Even though you could kill me every time in Mario Kart, you sometimes let me win.

18. You aren't afraid to cry.

19. You're committed to seeking truth.

20. You share my excitement and passion for adoption.

21. You truly love my family.

22. You make changes in your life when the Holy Spirit convicts you.

23. You let Stryder and Annabelle snuggle with us in bed.

24. You're a phenomenal Awana leader - you always go all out to make things special for the kids, and they love you for it.

25. You make me feel pretty.

26. You do a great job of sharing your day with me when you get home.

27. You take out the trash for me every week.

28. To save money, you change the oil in our cars rather than taking them to a shop.

29. You clean up the dishes after I bake cupcakes (even when it's an overwhelming mess).

30. You love me for who I am.


1 comment:

Christine said...

Awwwww, I love B!!! Some of these almost made me cry! I can totally relate to number 4, since I've hit numerous things with my car since marriage. :) Also love 10, 13, 18...all of them!