Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Join me for TEA

I'm currently compiling all of my tax information for our accountant (ugh!) -  hope to have all of it off of my desk by Friday. I'm not quite sure what I'll owe yet, but I do know what someone in my family had to pay to the government this year for his small business. SEVENTY PERCENT. That means his business only makes $30 for every $100 he brings in. And he still has to pay some overhead out of the remaining 30%, so actual profit turns out to be quite minimal.

I don't care if you are a republican or a democrat. You can't tell me that's not wrong.

A friend pointed out to me the other night that the government provides us with a road system and protection/security (and some might question that). Other than that, what else does the government really do for the average working American?

Not much that I like. They use my money to push government-funded abortions. They use my money to push government-controlled healthcare (which could put my husband out of business). They use my money to keep Scripture and prayer out of schools, while putting the homosexual agenda in.

Yes, I'm on a soapbox right now, because I'm so sick of it. I don't even watch or read the news anymore because I know there is not a thing I have the power to change. However, my voice might be a little louder when joined with thousands of others - maybe together we can command the attention of Washington.

AFA is sponsoring a Taxed Enough Already (TEA) party rally in thousands of communities across the country on April 15. I would encourage you to consider participating. I'm going to do my best to attend in Wichita, so if you're in the area and want to go with me, let me know!

***Having said all of this, I must remind myself again that the God of the Universe reigns. Obama does not. There is not a thing that happens on this earth that does not fall under His sovereign will. Although I may have to pay more taxes than I would like, to a government I do not respect, He will continue to work all things together for the good of His children. He ALWAYS does.


The Spann's said...

i'm with you sister - preach it! miss you EM!

Emily said...

Amen, Em. Thanks for always filling us in on all the latest AFA stuff.

Audrey said...

Well said...all of it. :)

rachel porter said...

i found your BLOG through Kristin and Jacob's and I love your points you're making here. do you and your husband both have small businesses? i have my own business and totally understand the tax stuff! when almost 90% of businesses are small businesses in the U.S. it is so crazy to tax to death some of the most hard working, sacrificial Americans. I love the TEA party event. We have to get involved and be a part of changing things. Now, I will get off my soapbox :) Good to meet you.