Friday, August 22, 2008

A hard decision

I was very disturbed to hear on AFR (American Family Radio) this morning that Hallmark cards has recently announced that it will soon begin selling same-sex wedding cards, in order to satisfy "consumer demand." Although gay marriages are only legal in TWO of our 50 states, Hallmark is trying to be relevant to as many people as possible. Here's an article with more details and a picture of one of the cards we will soon see in stores.

I wrestled for a while with what I should do, because I love Hallmark cards. They're all I ever buy. I can always find exactly what I'm looking for whenever I visit one of their stores. But I don't want my money, thought it may not amount to much, supporting an organization that is actively promoting homosexuality. So I just sent Hallmark an e-mail, through, to let them know that I will never again buy a Hallmark card. I'm not happy about this and I hope they'll reconsider their decision, but until they do, I don't feel that buying their products is a wise use of the money that the Lord has given me to steward.

On the same note, about a month ago, McDonald's helped sponsor the San Francisco Gay Pride Parade and also paid $20,000 to become an official "organizational ally and corporate partner" of the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce. When AFA asked McDonald's to remain neutral in this culture war (not support OR fight it), the company refused, stating that they will continue to proudly support the gay agenda. We don't eat at McDonald's often anyway, but I've had my last happy meal unless they change their stance. It's really very sad, but Brian and I are trying to honor the Lord and His precepts in ALL areas of our life, even if it means giving our dollars to Wendy's instead of McDonald's.


Anonymous said...

We must subscribe to some of the same 'alerts' because we too were forwarded both the Hallmark and McDonald's info. I agree with you wholeheartedly--no Happy Meals/toys for kiddo either!! Always enjoy your posts...looks like you guys are adjusting well and visiting lots of amazing places! :)

Meredith said...

Thanks for that info. I hadn't heard about either one of them. Like you, I don't eat at McDonalds very often but this definitely will keep me away from there. Hallmark too...very disappointing. Will call you soon! Love you!

Unknown said...

Oh Em. Could you have delivered me any worse news? I soooo look forward to a little sweet and sour sauce every now and then. I guess I'll start to "Eat Mor Chikin." Ace and my meals won't be so happy anymore. Better to be informed than funding things I don't agree with. But I would swear they put things in their hamburgers that addict pregnant women. It's going to be difficult next time we get pregnant.

Emily said...

I'm so glad you posted this - I hadn't heard about that yet. It grieves me but sadly doesn't surprise me. Thanks for the info, Em!