Wednesday, February 2, 2011

iced in with a free book

If you're reading this and you're in the USA, chances are you're also on day two of this crazy "snowmaggedon" or whatever they keep calling it on the news.

Truthfully, it hasn't been completely horrible for us here in Indy. We have two to three inches of solid ice covering EVERYTHING, but we've hardly had any snow accumulation. We haven't lost power... yet... and have been enjoying these days with cancelled activities and a little extra free time. One of the only downsides of working for yourself from home is that whenever all of the other business shut down, I really don't have to. :( I've been working a little but trying to take it easy and hang out with the hubs.

Right before the storm struck yesterday morning, Stryder had his teeth cleaned and a cist removed from his neck. He was pretty out of it from the anesthesia for most of the day, but today he seems back to normal, probably due to the extra attention we've been able to show him since we've been stuck inside.

On a completely different note, I found out this morning that a book at the top of my to-read list, Adopted for Life, is FREE as an audio-book during February! I wanted to pass it on in case anyone else wants to take a listen - it's been highly recommended to us by countless people and I can't wait to get started!

Hope everyone stays warm and safe out there!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Em - I would agree with your "working from home" comment except that I've lost power 4 times today for about 45 minutes at a time and can't get anything done! We Texans need some power company tips from you northerners!