Saturday, January 22, 2011

cold no more

It's been pretty quiet on the homefront around here - I don't truthfully have much new to write about. We're back in the swing of normal life after the holidays: Bible Study, Awana, Life Centers, Small Group... and trying to stay warm amidst FRIGID temperatures.

So, I thought I'd put in a plug for a new product I discovered last fall. I've now used it three times at the first symptoms of a cold, and every time, it's stopped my sickness in its tracks.
Zicam is a homeopathic concoction of zinc and other ingredients that my colds have not been able to stand up against! I've tried the oral mist and the pills, and much prefer the mist (the pills left a nasty flavor behind).

Anyways, just thought I'd share as we're in the middle of cold and flu season. Hope it can save someone else from a few down days!

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