Monday, December 20, 2010


The time we've been dreading anticipating for the past year has arrived.
Our little girl is growing up.

Annabelle's in heat.

The week before Christmas. In the midst of an 11 hour drive to Wichita. In the company of two un-neutered male dogs (Stryder and his brother Junior, my parents' dog).

Truly, this COULD NOT have happened at a more un-opportune time.

My poor parents. Not only did they welcome their four kids back into their home this week, they have also opened their doors to three dogs in addition to the one they already have: my sister's, a diapered Annabelle and an anxious, hormonal Stryder. It has been utter chaos.

Heat lasts around three weeks for most dogs and happens every six months. Days 11-15 are her fertile time, and coincidentally, also the time when Annabelle is most "receptive" to guy dogs. Her hormones turn her into a little flirt and the boys are left drooling. Literally. Drool all over the place. We're on day 15 right now and praying the worst is almost over!

Surely next year, we'll look back on this week and laugh...

Annabelle's chastity belt - the PABS.

Snuggling with Stryder in her fashionable denim diaper. (This pic was taken at the beginning of heat before they both started going crazy.)


The Spann's said...


Meredith said...

Oh poor thing! Hope she makes it through okay!

The Bailes said...

Gross! I guess if you have to look at my kids' poops, then I can read about dogs in heat, HA!