Thursday, December 30, 2010

happy anniversary

Five years ago today my life was forever changed for the better. I think the thing all guys never quite get over is the fact that she said ‘yes’. It is humbling. This is the feeling I had five years ago as Emily and I exchanged vows before the Lord, family and friends.

Em is so gifted in the way she communicates through writing. It is one of the many things I love about her. While this is not an area I excel in, I wanted to use her (our) blog to share my heart and love for her.

When I look back over the past five years I am amazed by the Lord’s faithfulness. He has grown the two of us together in ways I could never have imagined. Daily I become more acutely aware of how blessed I am in the gift He has given me in Em.

While it might be cliche, she is my best friend. She has been my biggest fan and supporter, loved me when I was unworthy of her love, forgiven me when I was unworthy of her forgiveness, shared in joys and sorrows, been an encourager and unconditionally loved me for who I am.

My love for her continually grows. I love how first and foremost she seeks to know the heart of our Father. How she has been open to His leading in her own life as well as that of our family. I love how she dreams big with me and how she has let go of dreams as she seeks Him. I love how she gives, unconditionally of herself to others, whether it is baking cupcakes to raise money to sponsor children in Africa, loving on the kids at her AWANA table or crying and praying with the girls that come to LifeCenters. I love her heart for adoption, the hurting and the broken and how her heart breaks for those in need. I love how she loves my family and all she has added to it to make it complete. I love her cold hands, feet and nose and how she tries to use me as a heater to get warm. I love her passion for baking and the way she loves me enough to cook things I would like, even at the expense of her not liking it. I love how she cheers Stryder on as he chases squirrels and then says a silent prayer of thanks when they make it up the tree. I love how she creates the perfect voice for both Stryder and Annabelle and that she loves them enough to walk them every day, regardless of the weather.

Thank you Em for the past five years. I am so grateful for them. I think it is only fitting to share with you again the vows I made to you five years ago today. They truly represent my heart, the depth of my love for our Lord, you, and our family. I love you.

Happy Anniversary!

I Brian, choose you Emily, as my best friend, confidant, and lover for life. With the help of our Heavenly Father, I vow to you above all things to be a man who humbly seeks to do the will of our Lord, leading us to Him in every season of life as our source of shelter and strength, petitioning Him for His wisdom and guidance, in times of hardship and prosperity, recognizing true joy is found in Him alone.

I vow to serve and defend you in every circumstance, striving to fulfill my God-given role as your husband and earthly provider. While life will not always be as perfect as it is at this moment, I promise to choose to love and honor you with effort that transcends feelings.

I vow to encourage you constantly as you seek to know the heart of Christ and are conformed to his likeness. I vow to support you always, continually learning to love you in ways that fulfill you and shape you into the woman Christ created you to be.

I vow to remain faithful and true in my love for you in mind, body and emotion, pledging to you alone my fidelity for life, giving you all of myself daily without reservation until I am called home to our Lord.

I recognize it is only with the help of our Heavenly Father that these vows can be fulfilled. So, because of the confidence I have in Christ, I promise I will never forsake you or these vows I have made.

1 comment:

The Bailes said...

oh Brian, so sweet and so true. I caught myself holding my breath as I was reading your vows, like I was at the wedding. STILL amazed at your memorization skills :) Happy 5th Anniversary!