Monday, August 16, 2010

day 85

I'm staring my last week of P90X in the face.

I can't believe it's finally here! Sometimes 90 days seemed it would never arrive. FINALLY the end will come this Saturday.

I won't lie, I am so ready for it to be over! Here are some pros and cons for anyone who might be interested in tackling it themselves.

- It was fun to do with Brian.
- It often makes us laugh.
- It was an exercise in self-discipline, which is always a good thing.
- I am now more flexible.
- I am now stronger.
- I can see a difference in definition in my arms (see picture below for what we basically look like now)

- It takes A TON of time (1 hour minimum, 6 days a week) and then the time required for showering afterward
- I didn't lose ANY weight
- Even after 13 weeks, the workouts are still really hard
- I don't have six pack abs like the promo videos promised I would :(

Would I do it again? Hmmm... probably not. But I don't regret it. I'm glad we gave it a shot. If nothing else, it has conditioned us to more regular workouts and has convinced us of the importance of stretching.

Brian has missed a few days and he wants to get all 90 workouts in. He's planning to go a couple of weeks longer after I wave goodbye on Saturday.

Next Monday, my first Monday "off" since the end of May, you'll find me using a Groupon I've been sitting on for six months now, waiting for such a time as this. I'll be treating myself to a half-price hour-long celebratory massage at a local Aveda spa. And I can guarantee you that my over-worked muscles will be thanking me for every minute!


Meredith said...

Congrats on finishing! Sorry you don't have the 6-pack you hoped for but I know you still look great :)

The Bailes said...

How DO you actually get six pack abs?! I'm not even going to try to do it if p90x can't even chisel them into your slim and fit bod! I'm just going to let myself go, off to eat chocolate ice cream!

Unknown said...

Cracking up at the photo of what your arms look like now! I think his arms are larger than your entire torso. =)