Sunday, February 5, 2012

five months

Sweetheart, is it possible that you are really FIVE months old today?

Although it's hard to notice all the changes day-to-day, you certainly are growing up. And it makes Mommy a little teary when she allows herself to think on it.

At your last doctor's visit a few weeks ago, you weighed in at 13.75 lbs (24th %) and 25.5 inches (66th %). He says you are "lean and mean." I say you are just perfect. You're probably well over 14 pounds by now... it's getting harder and harder to tote you around the house, and your car seat is nearly impossible to lift!

You're eating five times a day: nursing first thing in the morning and then taking four 6 oz. bottles of milk. One of my favorite parts of feeding you is that you have started to sweetly reach up and play with my hair. One of my least favorite parts of feeding you is that you are soooo easily distracted! It's a battle trying to keep you focused long enough for a good meal - you are just so interested in everything happening around you!

You wake up pretty consistently at 7 a.m. and then go down around 8:30 p.m. You're sleeping pretty well through most nights. However, just when we think we've got you figured out, you decide to be an unpredictable little stinker and wake us up a few times. Nobody can put you in a box. :)

What you've lost in hair on your head (only one long lock left), you've gained in chubby sweetness. Dimples in your hands, rolls in your thighs.... oooooohhh, I could just eat you up! You've been in size one diapers for several months, but Amazon just delivered your first size two shipment - it's finally time to make the switch. And it's silly, but even a change in diaper size makes my heart pang, just a little.

While you went through a stage a few weeks ago where you wailed at EVERYONE new (and even people who aren't new, like your grandparents), you seem to be past this and back to your normal, happy self. You've even started reaching out for me and a few others, and for your beloved doggies. (Talk about making Mommy's heart swell.)

Much to our delight, you're growing increasingly ticklish under your arms and on your tummy. We take full advantage of this. Tickling you and blowing on your tummy never gets old. I know a time will come when you won't welcome this sort of attention, so I'm cherishing each giggle and every squeal.

Your feet have recently become your new obsession. Flexible little thing, you are constantly grabbing them, trying your darndest to get them into your mouth or pull off your socks! Another favorite activity is when Daddy lets you play Uzu on his iPad. Immediately, you figured out how to manipulate the lights and movement. We're pretty sure you're a genius. We've already started limiting your digital time, seeing as you are your father's son (and your grandfathers' grandson, and your uncles' nephew)!

Now, let's be honest, you're not all rainbows and sunshine. About a week ago, your two bottom front teeth started peeking through. And the pain brought out one of the most annoying whines your parents have ever heard. Shrill, high, some might even say pig-like. ;) It's a bit irritating, but we know it will pass.

We couldn't love you more, little dude.

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