Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentines recap

So, I'm a little embarrassed that I am once again writing about food. My last, um, three posts have centered around culinary creations. I guess that's what happens when you don't have kids and you're taking a cake decorating class! But no more. After this, I am determined to get a life.

Brian always does such a great job of making Valentines Day special for me. This year he had the best intentions of making me breakfast in bed. Although his blueberry french toast didn't make it out of the oven until noon, he sure did try, bless his heart. :) I have been sick the past week with a cold, so I very much appreciated the effort. He even got some of those yummy little weinies for me. What a guy!

Beautiful roses from my valentine

Brian's latest food of choice is Thai, so we decided to get a little crazy and try to make some ourselves at home. We settled on a peanut curry chicken, even though it included something called fish juice (of which the main ingredient is "anchovy paste"). Despite the fish juice, it turned out to be pretty tasty.

I had been waiting for the perfect occasion to try a peanut butter fudge cake I saw on Bakerella's site a few months ago. What better holiday than Valentines to indulge? So I made it. And just as I dreamed, it's worth every calorie. Here's the recipe if you're drooling. (I went a little overboard with the crushed Reese's - doubled what the recipe calls for so I could smother the whole thing. Yum!!!)


The Bailes said...

Hey Em...I LOVE the cake...I make the cupcakes ALL the time...and freeze them too so I can heat one up if I need a "fix"'s the best recipe EVER! You should start a food blog too!! AND if you really want to stop talking about food, you should go the kid route...ahahaha!

Anonymous said...

if you really wanted to be like duff from ace of cakes then you'd make me one of those pbcup cakes and drive it down here for me :) miss you and love you even more!

Christine said...

YUM! And you didn't CALL me?